Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

My Broadcast Teaching on Televisi Edukasi

Dear Class,
Its time to share my video, my broadcast teaching, supported by Televisi Edukasi (the one of national television channel). My students in Kalimantan, Papua, Sulawesi, Aceh, Irian, etc. can meet me on live interactive channel. I can teach every kid who love mathematics, just click your remote!!! prepare your notebook n pencil,, ready for the class!!!

The Craftivity Teachers

Nite Class,,
usai tarawih, yuk kita simak kembali "THE JOURNEY OF MY TEACHING YEARS".
This is my own design, dedicated to bornday the 13rd of Cakra Buana School, We are CAKRA BUANA CRAFTIVITY TEACHERS, its mean a community of the crafty n creative teachers, with all subject, there are math, english, social, science, religion, art, etc. This pic will show you "the big feel" when you enter this school, especially @SMPCakra_Buana.
And......................This is the meaning of CRAFTIVITY for my team, and we have the unique principal, she is humble, dicipline, inspiring woman, beloved someone in the class, absolutely a good model for me n my partner in the teachers room. We call her with "Mams Henny". I will show you her pic (maybe next post).
Here we are,,come n join us,,we create fun reading, crafty math, challenging language n many more.
We born, We grow up and We CREATE entertain_teaching, its because We love TEENAGERS n We love TEACHING,, (Cakra Buana's Greetings)

math room SMP Cakra Buana is MY DREAMS COME TRUE

Alhamdulillah sudah saatnya berbuka puasa,
yuk, lihat perkembangan matematika-ku,, perkembangan murid2ku,, bahwa di Indonesia ada yang namanya math is fun loch!!! math is art for us, bagiku seni itu harus ditambah "seni bermatematika". Karena di sekolah ku seluruh siswa/i diharuskan menyukai semua mata pelajaran, so???? semua guru berlomba berkreasi, berinovasi dalam mapelnya masing-masing.

The Real Me,,Math Teacher

Dear MathLover,,,
I'm Suna Marena, Murid2ku terbiasa memanggil dengan miss rena, misren, miss miuw, bu cuna, etc.  hehehehe, selain menjadi staff pengajar di Sekolah Cakra Buana, khususnya di unit @SMPCakra_Buana or smp.sekolah-cakrabuana.com, aku juga menjadi narasumber siaran pendidikan interaktif tuk mapel matematika di Televisi Edukasi PUSTEKKOM,, tak terasa sudah 10 tahun 23 hari aku mengabdikan diri sebagai seorang guru matematika. Thx to Allah SWT, Ayah, Mamah, Abang, 2 Adikku, (semua semua) atas segala supportnya tuk keberkahan langkahku di dunia pendidikan. Aku sangat senang hal-hal kreatif dan inovatif, suka mencipta gaya mengajar yang unik namun pastinya menyenangkan tuk kelasku. Mengemas pembelajaran matematika menjadi sebuah tampilan kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM) yang bermakna namun tidak membosankan adalah keahlianku. Oya, 18-22 Juli 2014 lalu aku mengikuti pelatihan implementasi kurikulum 2013 yang bertempat di SMPN 9 dan diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Kota Depok. Sebelumnya sudah beberapa kali mengikuti pelatihan/workshop seperti ini (Yayasan Cakra Buana di mana tempatku berkarya, sangat "aware" n "care" untuk kegiatan tsb) sehingga aku makin berwawasan kurikulum dan mampu berkompetisi dalam presentasi, peer teaching, diskusi, analisis kelompok, dsb. Aku mau launching sesuatu nih about my passion!!! keep calm n watching. THIS IS THE REAL ME.

math clinic program @my mathclub

Dear Class,,
I'm a teacher and a photographer, absolutely for my kids activities, the reason why??? coz we are the +Cakra Buana Craftivity Teachers

miss rena's teaching tips from SMP Cakra Buana

Dear math teachers in the world,,
This is my teaching tips, being a good model for students!!! lov ur school, so u can make it happen, try it!!